Thursday, May 21, 2020

Dear Families,

What a year! What a quarter! What a last week of feelings this final "school" week of the year has been. I loved seeing so many of your faces at the "parade" today! I wanted to say thank you for sharing your kids with me this past year. Every single student grew in so many ways and I am proud of each and every one of them. In the hopes of recognizing these amazing kids, I've uploaded two very special slideshows below.

First is the promotion slide of just our class, second is something of a memory video that highlights many of the amazing things your kids did this year. Though this year was cut a quarter short, boy does it show a lot of learning! Feel free to share the link to this blog, the slideshow, or the video with your friends and families but please do not share on your personal social media platforms. While all students in the video have media releases, we want to be respectful of each family's rights on how their children's images are shared outside of the FUSD "family." 

Cry. Hug each other. Laugh at some pretty silly pictures. Enjoy!
Thanks for a great year!

Love to you all,
Ms. Fisher

2019-2020 Promotion Slide Show-Ms. Fisher's Class
2019-2020 Memory Video

We did it Good job team | Make a Meme

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