Dear Families,
Fifth Grade End of Year Slide: Be sure to have your fifth grader log into Google Classroom to complete their 5th grade slide. A few students have turned them in and they look great!
Google Classroom Reminder from 3/30: "Students should be familiar with logging in from past school work: once they've navigated to Google Classroom, they log in with their FUSD email (their and their full birthday as their password (ex: 03/23/2020). Please email me if you need help logging in."
Google Classroom Reminder from 3/30: "Students should be familiar with logging in from past school work: once they've navigated to Google Classroom, they log in with their FUSD email (their and their full birthday as their password (ex: 03/23/2020). Please email me if you need help logging in."
Whole Class Zoom: Don't forget to contact Eleni's Mom, Kim Owens, at if you are interested in getting together for a virtual visit!
Surveys from FUSD: Please take a look at the information below from FUSD and complete the two surveys.
FUSD Update: New Parent Survey
The Flagstaff Unified School District understands parents and families are balancing the unexpected challenges of your children’s remote learning, while caring for others and dealing with the many ways COVID-19 has impacted how you live and work. We are interested in knowing how you feel your children’s remote learning is going- for them and for you. Your input will help our district understand where we might need to provide your children and your family additional support and how FUSD can better prepare should we have to shift again to remote learning in the future. Please take a few minutes to share your perceptions by completing this survey. Thank you for your input.
Elementary Student Survey (grades 3-5)
Dear Parents/Families,
Now that students have been involved in remote learning for several weeks, the Flagstaff Unified School District and our school is interested in finding out how your students in grades 3-5 are feeling about the experience. We are administering a survey to gather input from students about the difficulty or ease of completing their learning assignments, whether they have everything they need, and how we might be able to help them more.
Please help us gather this information by encouraging your student to complete the survey. You can explain the questions or help them think through their answers if they need help. Your child’s answers will be confidential. Thank you for your input.
Estimados padres / familias,
Ahora que los estudiantes han estado involucrados en el aprendizaje remoto durante varias semanas, el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Flagstaff y nuestra escuela están interesados en descubrir cómo se sienten sus estudiantes en los grados 3-5. Estamos administrando una encuesta para recopilar información de los estudiantes sobre la dificultad o la facilidad de completar sus tareas de aprendizaje, si tienen todo lo que necesitan y cómo podríamos ayudarlos más.
Ayúdenos a recopilar esta información alentando a su estudiante a completar la encuesta. Puede explicar las preguntas o ayudarles a pensar sus respuestas si necesitan ayuda. Las respuestas de su hijo serán confidenciales. Gracias por su aporte.
Link to Elementary Student (grades 3-5) survey:
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