Thursday, October 24, 2019

     Halloween Update
Hello, All! In lieu of our traditional Birthday Friday tomorrow, we'll be celebrating our October birthdays next Thursday on Halloween. Feel free to have students dress in costume and bring healthy Birthday or Halloween treats for our Hallo-Birthday-Thursday-Ween afternoon celebration. Take a peek at the bottom of this post for Marshall School's Halloween costume expectations from Mrs. Reasor.

Taiko Update
The Fifth Graders have been hard at work practicing their Taiko drumming with Mr. Tony. Don't forget, our evening performance is next Wednesday, October 30. Students should be at school by 4:45/5:00 for their 5:30 performance. Students will also be performing for the rest of the school on Friday morning.

  • Picture retake day; October 30
  • Parent University; November 6
  • No School; November 8 & November 11

Halloween Costume Guidelines:
  • If costumes are in any way unsafe students will be required to remove them. 
  • No attire may be worn which would in any way impede the student from moving safely and quickly out of the building in the event of an alarm.
  • If students do not have a change of clothing, they will be required to stay in the office until parents arrive.
  • Costumes must not obstruct vision or movement or in any way present a hazard to the student or other classmates. 
  • Masks may not be worn.  Not even outside the classroom.
  • No fake knives, swords, or guns of any kind may be used as a part of any costume. 
  • Such items will be confiscated and may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension from school.
  • Costumes must not be overly gruesome and overtly violent.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mid Week Update! 

Mustang Gallop on Friday!
  • Our run time is at 10:25 if you'd like to join us. 
  • Be sure to collect those pledges, fifth graders!
  • Please turn in your Arizona Residency paper and documentation ASAP.

  • Conferences are scheduled for the afternoons of October 7, 8, and 9.
  • Use the link below to schedule a time to meet as a team with you, Ms. Fisher, and your child
  • Portfolio conferences are led by students. They are expected to be present and an active member of all scheduled conference times.
  • The time you sign up for will be your confirmed time.

Tree Planting Field Trip Next Thursday!

Congratulations to our students of the week!

Way to go, Kaylin and Angela!
You're classmates noticed your hard work and 
your willingness to do the right thing no matter what. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week of September 9

Week in Review:
Thanks for hanging in there last week with the technology crisis. Things are back on track and we successfully completed a normal week at Marshall. In ELA, we finished up Night of the Spadefoot Toads. Students were able to show all that they learned during our lessons through a final assessment of the book that will come home in Traveling Folders next week. Students are also in the process of wrapping up a short story narrative that was inspired by our reading. In preparation for rounding numbers next week, we spent a lot of time finding midpoints and endpoints in math. 

Don't forget, picture day next Wednesday! 

Looking Ahead:
  • Traveling Folders Coming Home!
    • Permission Slips for October 3 field trip
    • Mustang Gallop Forms
    • Assessments
  • Spelling Homework!
  • Rounding Whole and Decimal Numbers
  • Finishing Night of the Spadefoot Toad Writing projects
  • Traits of Living Organisms
  • Picture day September 18
  • Mustang Gallop September 27
  • Portfolio Conferences: October 7, 8, & 9

Congratulations to our students of the week!
Way to go, Isabelle and Jimmy!
You're classmates saw you step up to help take care of our shared classroom tools and look out for others who needed help. 

Friday, August 30, 2019

Week of August 26

Week in Review:
We made it to the pond this week! Students spent time making observations about Earth's different spheres. Next week we will turn these observations into 4 pieces of poetry. We kept busy reading Night of the Spadefoot Toad, using it to identify and practice writing similes and metaphors. Next week we'll add personification to our figurative language tool box. Students also spent quite a bit of time completing some FUSD beginning of the year tests called QUEST and AIMSweb Plus. Teachers will be using this data to guide instruction for the year and create reading groups for our intervention time each day.

Looking Ahead:
  • NO school Monday
  • NO homework next week
  • Comparing numbers and working more with exponential form
  • Continuing Night of the Spadefoot Toad
  • Science unit on Earth systems continues
  • Picture day September 18 (forms to be sent home later)
  • Mustang Gallop September 27

Congratulations to our students of the week!
Way to go, Elora and Jack!
You're classmates noticed that you were willing to give up your own time to help others.


Friday, August 23, 2019

Week of August 22

Week in Review:
What a busy week! Students had their first formal assessments in 
both science, math, and spelling/vocabulary. Be on the lookout for the traveling folders. They should be signed and returned by Friday. In math, we continued practicing place value as students learned to multiply whole and decimal numbers by exponents with a base of ten. In ELA, students put into practice their dictionary skills from last week as they jumped into their first spelling and vocabulary homework. We spent quite a bit of time working on this homework together in class during our daily study hall. Our reading of Night of the Spadefoot Toad continued along with discussions of a narrator's point of view. 

Looking Ahead:
  • Traveling folders coming home Monday
  • Spelling homework next week!
  • Spelling test on Friday. Study all week!
  • Converting within the metric system
  • Continuing Night of the Spadefoot Toad
  • Science unit on Earth systems continues
  • Open House Elevated: August 28 6:00-7:00

Congratulations to our students of the week!
Way to go, Eleni and Andrew!

Friday, August 16, 2019

First Week Back 2019!

Week in Review:
What a great first week back! This week, students spent a lot of time practicing school and classroom expectations like pushing in their chairs and working in groups. The math topics we covered were place value spots from decimal places through the billions, telling the difference between value and place value, and learning to write numbers in expanded form. In English language arts (ELA) students practiced their dictionary skills and synonyms and antonyms in preparation of spelling and vocabulary homework next week. We also started a new book called Night of the Spadefoot Toad.  Be sure to ask about it!

Looking Ahead:
  • Spelling homework next week!
  • Spelling test on Friday. Study all week!
  • Multiplying and dividing by base ten units
  • Continuing Night of the Spadefoot Toad
  • Science unit on Earth systems begins with a trip to the garden and the pond
  • Open House Elevated: August 28 5:30-7:00
In Other News:
Thanks for the quick turn around on all that paperwork. 
Please make sure students come to school with a full water bottle each day, our classroom is hot! 

Congratulations to our students of the week from this past week 
and for next week.
Way to go, Devynn, Angel, Destiny, and Bree!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Welcome back to another exciting school year! Please read the following helpful information about Marshall and Ms. Fisher’s class.

Monday-Thursday      8:35-3:20
Friday                          8:35-12:25
Late Start Days            10:35-3:20
Lunch: Mon-Thurs       12:35-1:15
Lunch: Friday              11:35-12:15

Children may not arrive at school earlier than 8:20 unless they are enrolled in FACTS or the Co-Op. After this time, all students and any parents who wish to wait with their children must stay on the playground until the first bell rings at 8:35. Please remember that students and parents are not allowed in the halls before school. This time is for teachers to prepare for the day, have scheduled meetings, and help with playground duty. Thank you for respecting this time. When the bell rings, students will come inside and line up outside of the classroom door. After the 8:40 late bell, students not in their seats will be marked as absent. If your child needs to be picked up from school prior to the regular dismissal time, please see or call Miss Malinda or Miss Erin in the front office. They will have your child meet you in the front office, where you will need to sign them out. 

Please email me at any time with questions, concerns, or to set up an in person meeting. I typically check my email when I arrive at school in the morning and before I leave for the day. My email address is This is the quickest way to reach me. To contact me by phone, please wait until after the 3:20 bell, call the front office, and ask to be connected to Room 30.
Unfortunately, I don’t have time to visit with parents before school or during the day. Getting the students off to a great start in the morning and keeping them focused during lessons is my top priority. I’m happy to have visitors afterthe final bell rings and students have been dismissed from the classroom.  If you need to meet before school for any reason, please email me ahead of time to schedule a meeting.  

            Please send your child with a water bottle they can keep at their desk during the day. Please make sure your child’s water bottle and any other personal belongings (jackets, lunch boxes, etc.) are marked with their name. Students should also bring a healthy mid morning snack each day. No soda, gum, or candy will be allowed in class.

Cell phones and other electronics must be kept off and in backpacks during school hours. If students have these out during the day, they will be taken from the student and kept in our care until an adult can come and pick them up. 
Students should bring hats to wear on the playground. Hats, however, are not permitted to be worn in the building. If students regularly wear their hats in the building or classroom, they will be taken from the student and kept in our care until an adult can come and pick them up. 
            Personal items brought to school always carry the risk of being lost, stolen, or broken. Please do not allow your child to bring anything to school that would cause a problem if something should happen to it. Spinners and other fidget toys are only permitted in class for students who have them included in their IEP or 504 plan.
            Expect your child to have some homework Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights and occasional weekend projects. Most days, students will have the opportunity to begin homework in class during a daily study hall. Homework will typically either be a spelling assignment or an Expert’s Journal (a mini research assignment). Students also have the option of taking home incomplete math classwork if they need extra practice on specific skills. While I do not require an adult to sign agendas for nightly reading, students should be reading at least 20 minutes outside of class each day: this is one of the best ways for them to improve their reading skills.
As the year moves forward, look for more information on the two student-led portfolio conferences that will be held this year. I truly believe this is the best way for you to see your student’s progress and growth. Because of this, some student work will remain in the classroom until the end of the year. If you are curious about any work that doesn’t make it home in their “traveling folder,” feel free to stop by after school and have your student share it with you.

            In this class, we celebrate birthdays once a month in a big celebration. The last Friday of every month is “Birthday Friday,”and students are encouraged to bring in treats to share with the class; there are about 30 students in the class. Feel free to send treats even if it’s not your child’s birthday month on this special day! Please do not send birthday treats on any day other than Birthday Friday.

 There will be many exciting and challenging activities for your fifth grader this year as our class explores science and social studies topics that include geography, mixtures and solutions, outer space, The Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and Westward Expansion. Fifth grade math emphasizes decimals, as well as adding, subtracting, and multiplying many types of fractions, and dividing unit fractions. If anyone has special skills or information related to our topics of study and would like to share them with the class, please let me know.

School Supply List
Our amazing PTO has bought all the necessary school supplies for all students! 
Wow! Thanks, PTO!
I do know that some students like to have their own personalized style, so I’ve attached a short list of optional supplies if families would like to purchase additional supplies. Again, all of the items listed have already been purchased by the PTO. Also included is a wish list of items that would greatly help with the running of our classroom’s daily operations. Any and all donations are truly appreciated!

Optional Supplies:
One-subjectwire ringed notebooks
2 folders with pockets (no binders)
soft pencil case with the following supplies: A small personal stapler with staples, Pencils, Erasers, A small pair of scissors, Colored pencils, Several dark colored dry erase markers, Highlighters, Glue sticks

Classroom Wish List: 100% Cotton Standard Pillow Cases (neutral colors) Fun” Kid/School Friendly Prizes (small toys, “cool” erasers, “cool” highlighters, lotions, etc) Hand Sanitizer, Clorox Wipes, Kleenex, Extra Dry Erase Markers, Duct Tape/Masking Tape, Live Potted Plants

Students may NOT have hard backed pencil cases, markers, binders, multi-subject notebooks, fidget spinners, or Sharpies.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Skiing, Science Fair, and Conferences Oh My!

Week in Review:
What a busy week! Fifth graders completed their final Marshall Science Fair Projects and got to go on a skiing adventure up to Snowbowl. We have some tired kids on our hands! They better rest up, because we have a lot more to do before spring break in 2 weeks!

Looking Ahead:
Students will be wrapping up a short and sweet geometry unit this coming week. They'll also be completing their very own science fiction short stories and practicing their listening skills with more podcasts about outer space.

Options for Spring Conferences:
Read through the 4 options below for report card distribution and portfolio presentations, and choose the best one for your family!

Parent University & Open House
This student led “open house” will be on the evening of March 13 during the 6:00-6:30 time slot during Parent University. If you are interested in meeting at this time, simply stop on by with your student and they can present their portfolio to you. I will be available to hand out report cards and answer brief questions.

Classroom Open House
Our class will be holding our own open house during the afternoon of Wednesday, March 13. Feel free to stop by anytime between 1:30 and 3:30 with your student so they can lead you through their portfolio. I will be on hand to guide students, answer any questions, and hand out report cards. 

Private Conference
If you have not heard from me about setting up an individual conference and feel that you and your child would benefit from an individual meeting with me, please use the link below and sign up for a private conference with your student and me on Friday, March 8 or Friday, March 15. Space is limited, so sign up quickly!
No Conference
Some families feel comfortable with where their student is academically and socially and might not feel that a spring meeting is necessary. If this is you, feel free to skip any of the above options, and I’ll send home report cards and portfolios before spring break. Drop me an email with any questions you may have after going over the report card and portfolio. 

Students of the Week
Thanks to Desire and August for having such a positive attitude during our ski trip! Way to go!


  • Wednesday, March 6: Science Fair Family Night 
  • Wednesday March 13: Parent University 5:00-7:00
  • Wednesday, March 13: 11:10 Dismissal
  • Thursday and Friday March 14 & 15: 12:35 Dismissal
  • Spring Break: March 18-March 22

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Science Fair Projects Due in Three Weeks!

Past Two Weeks in Review: January 
28- February 8
Last week students started their new Magnet Monday groups. Thanks to everyone who already has or plans on donating their tax credit money to support Marshall and our Magnet programs. Students were also excited to premiere the 5th grade movie, Back to the Future. I hope to get a link to the movie as soon as I have time, and then everyone can enjoy the movie from home.

In academics, the fifth graders have been working hard mastering the addition and subtraction of fractions. Students were assessed last week on this topic, but won't be bringing home their tests until we've had time to go over them and complete some reteaching. We've also spent quite a bit of time working on our space unit. Students have completed Expert's readings on the Moon, Earths rotation and revolution, gravity, and constellations. In writing, students practiced writing a multi-paragraph essay. They did great!

What a great trip to Lowell Observatory yesterday! Ask your fifth grader about it!

Looking Ahead
Next week we'll be multiplying fractions, continuing our study of space, and getting close to finishing George's Secret Key to the Universe.

Students of the Week
     Madisyn and Anthony were our students of the week this past week and Ruby and Jesus will be our students of the week coming up. Thanks for all of your growth in this class over the past several weeks!

  • Monday, February 18:  No School
  • Wednesday, February 27: Science Fair Projects Due!
  • Thursday, February 28: Ski Trip & Family Fitness Night
  • March 4-6: Science Fair 
  • Wednesday, March 6: Family Science Fair Night Friday, March 8th - End 3rd QTR
  • Monday, March 11: STEM night at NAU
  • Wednesday, March 13: Parent University
  • Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, March 13-15: Optional Conferences
  • March 18-22: SPRING BREAK! 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

So Much Paperwork!...I'm Sorry...
Rather than the regular blog, I wanted to recap the many upcoming happenings and papers that are coming and going.
  • Science Fair Proposals Due signed and returned: This Monday
  • Grand Canyon Youth Kayak Trip Paperwork (Online Option) and Deposit Due: This Thursday January 31
    • I was not aware of the $30 deposit or the paperwork being due so soon, my apologies
    • Please email Alysa Greenberg at if you have questions as she is in charge of this trip
    • *Please note that some students did not turn in the initial paperwork, so will not have received packets for this trip.
  • Lowell Field Trip and Ski Trip Paperwork Due: This Friday February 1
    • All Paperwork
    • $15 Ski Trip Money (Please email me if you need an extension on the money. I don't want anyone worrying)
  • Middle School Registration Paperwork Due: February 4
    • Please make sure students give me paperwork next week if they need me to give them recommendations
*Movie Premiere*
This Friday! Showings at 10 and 11!
(The movie is about 25 minutes long with credits.)

Students of the Week


Sophia and Santiago were nominated this week for their engagement in class, especially during our trickier math lessons. Thanks for giving it your best, each and every day!

  • Expert's Homework This Week
  • See the list above:-) 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Week in Review: 
January 14- January 18

Students continued their work on science fair preparation by completing a class experiment. We went through each step of the scientific method while exploring if mint cooled down water or not. We completed this work by creating a mini science fair board that students will bring home next week to help them complete their own independent project. Our focus in math was on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. George's Secret Key to the Universe continued to guide our language arts practice as we looked closely at an author's word choice.

Looking Ahead
My apologies for all of the upcoming paperwork as we prepare for our field trip to Lowell Observatory on February 7 and our ski trip on February 28. It'll be worth it in the end! Traveling folders will also be going home next week with students' most recent assessments. Be sure to take a peek and sign the folder before returning it to school. Science fair project proposals will be completed by students next week as students are ever closer to beginning independent work on their projects. Annnnnd...middle school deadlines are approaching. Students should be sure to turn in any academy recommendation requests for me asap to ensure I have time to complete them and turn them in before the application deadlines. 

Students of the Week


Our two students of the week set some great examples this week! Desire was nominated for sharing her snack with another student, while Nathanial was nominated for being engaged in class and always willing to share his knowledge with the class. Great work, you two!

  • Traveling Folders Coming Home
  • Field Trip Paperwork
  • No School Monday, January 21 for Martin Luther King Day
  • Movie Premiere End of January: Date & Time TBD 
  • Work on Those Middle School Applications!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing and cozy winter break! 

Week in Review: January 7- January 11

This past week we welcomed our new student teacher, Miss Sarah Behring. We are so excited to have her on our team! We kicked off our work on the science fair by learning about the scientific method, the difference between experiments and variables, and talking about the different types of variables in an experiment. We also began a new book that combines our language arts work with science: George's Secret Key to the Universe. 

Looking Ahead
Fractions are the name of the game in math. We will also be emphasizing science this quarter with science fair projects coming up. We will be doing an in depth unit on space to accompany our reading book. Over the next 2 weeks, students will begin planning their own science fair experiments in class and coming home with a proposal to be signed by you!
*Science fair projects will be planned at school and then completed at home.
*Students may not work on their project until the experiment has been approved by me.

Students of the Week

Thanks to our two students of the week for helping take care of our community. Peyton was seen cleaning up the classroom library and Pablo helped a classmate when they spilled their papers. Well done, Pablo and Peyton!

  • Spelling Homework Next Week
  • Magnet Monday Showcase: Monday, January 14 @ 2:10
  • No School Monday, January 21 for Martin Luther King Day
  • Movie Premiere End of January: Date & Time TBD 
  • Work on Those Middle School Applications!