Dear Families,
Celebrate the Fifth Graders of 2020!

The other fifth grade teachers and I have been looking for a way to celebrate the fifth graders. We know this is a tough transition, even without getting to say "goodbye" to their elementary school and friends. To help celebrate this transition, we would love to create a digital "yearbook" for the fifth graders. We are asking each fifth grader to create a Google slide that represents who they are. They must include their name, but beyond that what they include is up to them.

They might want to include favorite quotes, pictures, words, and of course pictures of themselves. We all love a good baby picture! It's really up to them! There is a template in the classwork section of Google Classroom (along with their new classwork for the week) that they can click on and create from there. I've also included a sample for students to peek at that I'm sharing above. You are more than welcome to help them in this project, but ultimately it is up to them; we don't want extra work for families! We plan on sharing this on Marshall's and FUSD's websites and possibly Facebook pages, so please let me know if you aren't comfortable with your child's slide being shared in the slide show. Please reach out if you or your child needs help!
Virtual Kindness Assembly
In other news, Marshall will be holding a virtual assembly this Friday at 9:00. Students and families are invited to watch teachers present the final THINK awards with the kindness award. For anyone not available to participate, the presentations will be recorded and able to be viewed later. We aren't sure how it's going to go, but we're going to give it a shot! Mrs. Reasor will be sharing a phone call with more information about how to log on and view the "assembly."
Last Day of School
Finally, as you hopefully heard from FUSD's connect ed call last week, the Governing Board passed the school calendar change. This change makes this week a full week of "school," putting our last official day of class on May 22. We are still awaiting news on how the school plans to distribute student supplies and how teachers will be closing up their classrooms.
Whole Class Zoom
Don't forget to contact Eleni's Mom, Kim Owens, at if you are interested in getting together for a virtual visit!
FUSD Learning HUB Link:
Google Classroom Reminder from 3/30: "Students should be familiar with logging in from past school work: once they've navigated to Google Classroom, they log in with their FUSD email (their and their full birthday as their password (ex: 03/23/2020). Please email me if you need help logging in."