Week in Review:

both science, math, and spelling/vocabulary. Be on the lookout for the traveling folders. They should be signed and returned by Friday. In math, we continued practicing place value as students learned to multiply whole and decimal numbers by exponents with a base of ten. In ELA, students put into practice their dictionary skills from last week as they jumped into their first spelling and vocabulary homework. We spent quite a bit of time working on this homework together in class during our daily study hall. Our reading of Night of the Spadefoot Toad continued along with discussions of a narrator's point of view.
Looking Ahead:
- Traveling folders coming home Monday
- Spelling homework next week!
- Spelling test on Friday. Study all week!
- Converting within the metric system
- Continuing Night of the Spadefoot Toad
- Science unit on Earth systems continues
- Open House Elevated: August 28 6:00-7:00
Congratulations to our students of the week!
Way to go, Eleni and Andrew!
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