Thanks to the many of you who joined together at open house. It felt good to see so many familiar faces. I hope you all have an enjoyable 3 day weekend spending time with family and friends.
Week in Review: August 27-31
This week in academics we spent time using place value to help us write numbers in expanded from and compare decimals. To connect our literature study Night of the Spadefoot Toad to writing, students began planning the conflict, plot, and characters for their own original short story. In life science, we began a unit on ecosystems and spent time in our school garden observing biotic and abiotic factors. Later in the week we continued the study of biotic factors by discussing the role of the sun, producers, consumers, and decomposers in an ecosystem.
Looking Ahead
No homework next week! We'll use the extra time to finish up our place value unit in math and practice rounding decimals both on a number line using a "shortcut." There will be a unit test near the end of the week. We hope to write, revise, and type the short stories that students planned this week. In addition to our academics, we'll be emphasizing teamwork, kindness, and how to be respectful students.
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