What's Up in Fifth Grade
What a beginning to school! I think we've finally settled into a "school" routine with our expectations, learning, and technology issues. In the spirit of routine, I'm hoping to get into a more regular routine of class updates through the class blog. Please email me (efisher@fusd1.org) with any questions, concerns, or needs that may arise for your family during our flexible remote learning time.
Technology, Assignments, and Grades

Canvas Parent Accounts
Have your fifth grader give you a Canvas tour if you haven't checked it out yet! Also, don't forget to get a parent account to observe your student's work on Canvas. Go to the FUSD website to create a family account. You must also have a pairing code to connect your account with your student's. Follow the steps in this link to get a pairing code. Once you are logged in, you are able to be an observer on your child's Canvas account.

ELA: In ELA, we've been reading Night of the Spadefoot Toads and practicing our comprehension skills. Expect your student to finish this book in the next several weeks. Much of our focus outside of comprehension has been on figurative language, specifically idioms, similes, metaphors, and personification. Students will be using this knowledge in a poetry project in the coming weeks. We will also be using our knowledge of nouns, verbs, and prepositions to write summary sentences of longer pieces of nonfiction writing.
SCIENCE: We've added science Friday to our week! This means that on top of students accessing their science curriculum through self paced work during their independent study time in the afternoons, we are also taking more time together as a whole class to emphasize science each Friday. Currently, we are working on genetics and will be transitioning to how humans impact the natural world.
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