- Science Fair Proposals Due signed and returned: This Monday
- Grand Canyon Youth Kayak Trip Paperwork (Online Option) and Deposit Due: This Thursday January 31
- I was not aware of the $30 deposit or the paperwork being due so soon, my apologies
- Please email Alysa Greenberg at agreenberg@fusd1.org if you have questions as she is in charge of this trip
- *Please note that some students did not turn in the initial paperwork, so will not have received packets for this trip.
- Lowell Field Trip and Ski Trip Paperwork Due: This Friday February 1
- All Paperwork
- $15 Ski Trip Money (Please email me if you need an extension on the money. I don't want anyone worrying)
- Middle School Registration Paperwork Due: February 4
- Please make sure students give me paperwork next week if they need me to give them recommendations
*Movie Premiere*
This Friday! Showings at 10 and 11!
(The movie is about 25 minutes long with credits.)