Saturday, January 26, 2019

So Much Paperwork!...I'm Sorry...
Rather than the regular blog, I wanted to recap the many upcoming happenings and papers that are coming and going.
  • Science Fair Proposals Due signed and returned: This Monday
  • Grand Canyon Youth Kayak Trip Paperwork (Online Option) and Deposit Due: This Thursday January 31
    • I was not aware of the $30 deposit or the paperwork being due so soon, my apologies
    • Please email Alysa Greenberg at if you have questions as she is in charge of this trip
    • *Please note that some students did not turn in the initial paperwork, so will not have received packets for this trip.
  • Lowell Field Trip and Ski Trip Paperwork Due: This Friday February 1
    • All Paperwork
    • $15 Ski Trip Money (Please email me if you need an extension on the money. I don't want anyone worrying)
  • Middle School Registration Paperwork Due: February 4
    • Please make sure students give me paperwork next week if they need me to give them recommendations
*Movie Premiere*
This Friday! Showings at 10 and 11!
(The movie is about 25 minutes long with credits.)

Students of the Week


Sophia and Santiago were nominated this week for their engagement in class, especially during our trickier math lessons. Thanks for giving it your best, each and every day!

  • Expert's Homework This Week
  • See the list above:-) 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Week in Review: 
January 14- January 18

Students continued their work on science fair preparation by completing a class experiment. We went through each step of the scientific method while exploring if mint cooled down water or not. We completed this work by creating a mini science fair board that students will bring home next week to help them complete their own independent project. Our focus in math was on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. George's Secret Key to the Universe continued to guide our language arts practice as we looked closely at an author's word choice.

Looking Ahead
My apologies for all of the upcoming paperwork as we prepare for our field trip to Lowell Observatory on February 7 and our ski trip on February 28. It'll be worth it in the end! Traveling folders will also be going home next week with students' most recent assessments. Be sure to take a peek and sign the folder before returning it to school. Science fair project proposals will be completed by students next week as students are ever closer to beginning independent work on their projects. Annnnnd...middle school deadlines are approaching. Students should be sure to turn in any academy recommendation requests for me asap to ensure I have time to complete them and turn them in before the application deadlines. 

Students of the Week


Our two students of the week set some great examples this week! Desire was nominated for sharing her snack with another student, while Nathanial was nominated for being engaged in class and always willing to share his knowledge with the class. Great work, you two!

  • Traveling Folders Coming Home
  • Field Trip Paperwork
  • No School Monday, January 21 for Martin Luther King Day
  • Movie Premiere End of January: Date & Time TBD 
  • Work on Those Middle School Applications!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing and cozy winter break! 

Week in Review: January 7- January 11

This past week we welcomed our new student teacher, Miss Sarah Behring. We are so excited to have her on our team! We kicked off our work on the science fair by learning about the scientific method, the difference between experiments and variables, and talking about the different types of variables in an experiment. We also began a new book that combines our language arts work with science: George's Secret Key to the Universe. 

Looking Ahead
Fractions are the name of the game in math. We will also be emphasizing science this quarter with science fair projects coming up. We will be doing an in depth unit on space to accompany our reading book. Over the next 2 weeks, students will begin planning their own science fair experiments in class and coming home with a proposal to be signed by you!
*Science fair projects will be planned at school and then completed at home.
*Students may not work on their project until the experiment has been approved by me.

Students of the Week

Thanks to our two students of the week for helping take care of our community. Peyton was seen cleaning up the classroom library and Pablo helped a classmate when they spilled their papers. Well done, Pablo and Peyton!

  • Spelling Homework Next Week
  • Magnet Monday Showcase: Monday, January 14 @ 2:10
  • No School Monday, January 21 for Martin Luther King Day
  • Movie Premiere End of January: Date & Time TBD 
  • Work on Those Middle School Applications!