The Taiko drumming skills of the fifth graders are getting better and better as they realize just how important their focus is during practice. They're working so hard! This week students worked hard learning some new algebra skills including input output tables, algebraic expressions, and plotting patterns on coordinate grids. We also continued learning about Colonial America by researching different trades. The wigmakers were a big hit!
Looking Ahead

As for Halloween, we'll be "business as usual" for much of the day. We postponed our Birthday Friday celebration from last week, though, so we could celebrate Wednesday afternoon for a Hallo-Birthday-Wednesday-Ween celebration. Costumes will be allowed if students are interested, and any goodies are welcome to celebrate both our October Birthdays and Halloween. Costumes must follow the guidelines below.
Costume policy Per Principal Reasor: Costumes must be school appropriate following the guidelines below. If your students wish to come in costume, please make sure you pass along and monitor these guidelines.
- If costumes are in any way unsafe students will be required to remove them.
- No attire may be worn which would in any way impede the student from moving safely and quickly out of the building in the event of an alarm.
- If students do not have a change of clothing, they will be required to stay in the office until parents arrive.
- Costumes must not obstruct vision or movement or in any way present a hazard to the student or other classmates.
- Masks may not be worn. Not even outside the classroom.
- No fake knives, swords, or guns of any kind may be used as a part of any costume.
- Such items will be confiscated and may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension from school.
- Costumes must not be overly gruesome and overtly violent.
Students of the Week
Thanks Lexi and Julian, for stepping it up this week and going out of your way to help out others. What a great example you set for your classmates!
- Traveling Folders never made it home last week, but look for them this week for sure!
- No homework (except traveling folders)!
- Hallo-Birthday-Wednesday-Ween!
- Taiko Performances:
- Thursday @ 5:30
- Friday @ 9:30