Friday, August 12, 2022


Dear Families,


Welcome back! If you are new to our class, we are so excited to have you on our team. Please read the following information to refresh yourself on Marshall School and to learn about our fifth grade class. I’m so excited to learn and grow together this year!


Children may arrive at school at 8:20, or earlier if they are enrolled in FACTS or Co-Op. After this time, students may eat breakfast or head to the playground until the first bell rings at 8:35. Please remember that family members of students are not allowed in the Marshall building or on the playground at this time. This is both for security purposes as well as to allow teachers time to set up their classrooms for daily success, be present in meetings, and to complete various other duties throughout the school. If you need to meet before school, please email me ahead of time to schedule a meeting. If your child will be absent or needs to be picked up from school prior to the regular dismissal time, please see Miss Erin or Miss Christina or call them in the front office: (928) 773-4044.


Please send your child with a water bottle they can keep at their desk and fill up at the water bottle filling stations throughout the building. Students should also bring a daily snack for the morning (no soda, gum, or candy); we have a late lunch in fifth grade! Please make sure your child’s water bottle and any other personal belongings (jackets, lunch boxes, etc.) are marked with their name. All school supplies have been provided for your student to be successful this year by the Marshall PTO. Wow! That being said, students will most likely wish to bring a pair of comfortable headphones from home if the school earbuds bother them. We are also always in need of extra Kleenex, hand sanitizer, healthy classroom snacks, and “kid friendly” prizes.


Expect your child to have some homework on most Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights starting in September. Students will typically have the opportunity to begin (and finish if they work hard!) homework in class during a daily study hall. Homework will either be a spelling and vocabulary assignment or an Expert’s Journal assignment (a mini research assignment). Students also have the option of taking home classwork if they need extra practice on specific skills. While it’s not required, students should also be reading outside of class each day. Every several weeks, students will come home with a traveling folder filled with recent exit tickets, quizzes, and or handouts for you to look through and keep. Please sign and have your child return these folders to school by Friday of the week they go home.


Cell phones and other electronics must be kept off and in backpacks during school hours. If students have these out during the day, they will be taken from the student and kept in my care or at the front office until they can be released to an adult. Personal items brought to school always carry the risk of being lost, stolen, or broken. Please do not allow your child to bring anything to school that would cause a problem if anything should happen to it.

In this class, we celebrate birthdays once a month in a big celebration. The last Friday of every month is “Birthday Friday,” and students are encouraged to bring in healthy treats (fruits, chips and salsa, granola bars, etc.) to share with the class; there are about 28 students in the class. Feel free to send treats on this special day even if it’s not your child’s birthday month! Please do not send birthday treats on any day other than Birthday Friday.


Email: Please email me at any time with questions, concerns, or to set up a meeting. I typically check my email when I arrive at school in the morning and before I leave for the day. My email address is This is the quickest way to reach me. 

Remind App: For returning families to our class, I’ll continue sending messages through the same Remind App as last year. New families, be sure to keep an eye out for a text from this app.

Class Blog: The class blog will continue to be up and running this year with posts and pictures every month. Be sure to subscribe at 

Canvas: FUSD will continue to use the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) this year for some assignments. The parent app can be downloaded through the app store or the parent link on the FUSD webpage (QR Code to the right). There are also very helpful Canvas videos on the FUSD technology webpage. 

Synergy ParentVue: Student grades and report cards can be accessed through ParentVue.


Please reach out to me or the front office with any questions. 

I can’t wait for a successful school year with you and your child!

Best Wishes,

Ms. (Emily) Fisher

Marshall Open House, September 1 (5:00pm-6:30pm)

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Happy Summer!

Dear Families, 

Congratulations on having a fifth grader in your family! What a pleasure it's been to work with your kiddos this year. Each one one of them worked so hard and grew in so many ways. What a special group they are. Check out the last two assemblies of the year and be sure to look through your student's portfolio (sent home on Wednesday) and report card (sent home today).

Have an amazing summer! I can't wait to see you in the fall!
Best wishes until next time,

Ms. Fisher

CLICK HERE: To watch the Noble THINK Assembly.

CLICK HERE: To watch the Kind THINK Assembly.

CLICK HERE: to watch a tutorial on how to access report cards on ParentVue.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Picture Updates!

Dear Families,

It's hard to believe that it's almost May! Thank you so much for supporting your fourth graders over the past several weeks as they prepared for and pushed themselves to do their best on their AASA tests. Thank you also to the families that were able to contribute to our class "snack fund" on testing days. The extra fuel was so helpful!

Besides testing and our "typical" learning, our class has been up to lots of great enrichment. Over the past month we trained in the Cardinal's training camp, learned about weather and climate from meteorologist Lee Born, discussed renewable and nonrenewable resources and planted plants with a local scientist on Earth Day, and participated in a virtual field trip to Elden Pueblo with a local archeologist. Take a peek below for some pictures. Coming up we plan to spend some time in the school garden and learn more about sustainability through a partnership with the Flagstaff Sustainability Office.

Best wishes to all!
Ms. Fisher

Coming Up!
  • Friday, April 29 (8:15-8:35) - Walk Your Child To Class Day
    • Drop by Friday morning and take a peek at our classroom!
  • Friday, May 6 - No School
  • Wednesday, May 18 (3:30-6:00) - School Carnival
  • Thursday, May 19 - Early Release
  • Thursday, May 26 - Last Day of School (Early Release)

Cardinals Training Camp....

Math Games....

Guest Speakers...

Monday, February 21, 2022

Spring Conferences and More

Well, it seems as though I've dropped the ball on the class blog. Sorry for the long absence. I hope that your amazing fourth graders have been keeping you posted on all of the happenings in our classroom and at Marshall. Take a peek below for conference sign-ups, picture updates, a link to our recent THINK assembly, and some free webinars being offered by FUSD.

Interested in a spring conference?
-->Click this link to sign up for a time!<--

If you're interested in discussing your child's progress this quarter, please sign up for a conference using the link above. If not, no worries! Feel free to check out your child's report card and email me with any questions you may have. Unless other arrangements are made, conferences will be held over Ms. Fisher's Zoom link. Please encourage students to be present for their conference so we can talk with them about their learning! Looking forward to touching base.

Mustangs THINK!

What We've Been Working On:

Math has been full of geometry and double digit multiplication, and we are starting to dig deep into fractions. In language arts, students have been working hard on writing narratives, figurative language, and completing a literature study about the book Lunch Money by Andrew Clements. Our student teacher, Miss Rosenberger, has also been leading the fourth graders through a unit on magnets and electricity that will continue into the fourth quarter. Fourth graders have also been learning all about growth mindsets and perseverance in SEL with Mrs. C. In other news, we are all so excited to be starting Magnet Monday at the end of this month!


See below for information about free Webinars
for FUSD families!

What Are Restorative Practices?
Restorative practices are a way of strengthening relationships and building community between individuals as an alternative to punitive actions. Attendees will learn more about what restorative practices are and how Flagstaff Unified School District is applying restorative practices within our schools.

Internet Safety for Parents 
This presentation covers general topics related to social media and some helpful information for parents. Topics that will be covered are sexting, cyber-predators, cyber-bullying, popular apps and social media websites.

Anti-Bullying for Parents
This presentation addresses the different types of bullying, how it’s affecting our youth, and preventative measures parents can take. Presenters will explain why teaching kindness and being empathetic is important and the relationship it has with bullying. Parents and guardians will also receive tips on how to help their child become resilient to criticism.