Hello all,
Hopefully you're here because you were able to receive texts from me through the "Remind" app I set up on my phone. If not and you want access or another phone number added, send me an email (efisher@fusd1.org) and I'll work on it. I'm new to using this texting system, so thanks for your patience as I muddle through this all! Please email me or send me a message through the app if things aren't quite working or you have suggestions. As the app is a one way system, I am unable to receive texts.
As a mom, I'm feeling like any sense of normal would be great. Since we can't have our regular routines though, I know some of you are probably like me and are looking for resources to keep your kids busy and to get into
a routine. Even when school "starts" after spring break, my kids will still be playing a lot, snacking a lot, and watching shows. My plan is to throw some learning "things" into the mix for all of our sanity, but I'm a realist and have an idea of how it's really going to go. It's a lot to ask any of us to sit and work all day when things are so out of our normal. Regardless of how it looks at any of our houses, I know we're all doing our best for our families and that looks different for everyone.
I've set up some work and other links in each student's Google Classroom account. Because we aren't mandated to have "school work" prepared for the week of March 23 and none of us are sure what the expectation will be as a district yet following that, I'm looking at this coming week as a trial run. Hopefully the practice and links will help families get into a rhythm if they want. It will also help me answer some questions: Do passwords work? Do links work? Who doesn't have the best internet? What sort of devices are people working with or are families sharing a cell phone for work? Basically, how can we adjust things to make them work?
Students should be familiar with how to log into Google classroom, but attached is a quick tutorial for it. Students login with their FUSD email (their 600#@fusd1.org) and their full birthday as their password (ex: 03/23/2020). Please know that if this "school" work is a stressor for you, I whole heartedly hope you do what's right for you and your kid. If you want to listen to a podcast and not answer questions that ok! If you want to have them just read and let me know what they're reading, great! Take care of yourselves and be in touch as needed!
Ms. Fisher