Halloween Update
Hello, All! In lieu of our traditional Birthday Friday tomorrow, we'll be celebrating our October birthdays next Thursday on Halloween. Feel free to have students dress in costume and bring healthy Birthday or Halloween treats for our Hallo-Birthday-Thursday-Ween afternoon celebration. Take a peek at the bottom of this post for Marshall School's Halloween costume expectations from Mrs. Reasor.
Taiko Update
The Fifth Graders have been hard at work practicing their Taiko drumming with Mr. Tony. Don't forget, our evening performance is next Wednesday, October 30. Students should be at school by 4:45/5:00 for their 5:30 performance. Students will also be performing for the rest of the school on Friday morning.
- Picture retake day; October 30
- Parent University; November 6
- No School; November 8 & November 11
Halloween Costume Guidelines:
- If costumes are in any way unsafe students will be required to remove them.
- No attire may be worn which would in any way impede the student from moving safely and quickly out of the building in the event of an alarm.
- If students do not have a change of clothing, they will be required to stay in the office until parents arrive.
- Costumes must not obstruct vision or movement or in any way present a hazard to the student or other classmates.
- Masks may not be worn. Not even outside the classroom.
- No fake knives, swords, or guns of any kind may be used as a part of any costume.
- Such items will be confiscated and may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension from school.
- Costumes must not be overly gruesome and overtly violent.