Saturday, March 2, 2019

Skiing, Science Fair, and Conferences Oh My!

Week in Review:
What a busy week! Fifth graders completed their final Marshall Science Fair Projects and got to go on a skiing adventure up to Snowbowl. We have some tired kids on our hands! They better rest up, because we have a lot more to do before spring break in 2 weeks!

Looking Ahead:
Students will be wrapping up a short and sweet geometry unit this coming week. They'll also be completing their very own science fiction short stories and practicing their listening skills with more podcasts about outer space.

Options for Spring Conferences:
Read through the 4 options below for report card distribution and portfolio presentations, and choose the best one for your family!

Parent University & Open House
This student led “open house” will be on the evening of March 13 during the 6:00-6:30 time slot during Parent University. If you are interested in meeting at this time, simply stop on by with your student and they can present their portfolio to you. I will be available to hand out report cards and answer brief questions.

Classroom Open House
Our class will be holding our own open house during the afternoon of Wednesday, March 13. Feel free to stop by anytime between 1:30 and 3:30 with your student so they can lead you through their portfolio. I will be on hand to guide students, answer any questions, and hand out report cards. 

Private Conference
If you have not heard from me about setting up an individual conference and feel that you and your child would benefit from an individual meeting with me, please use the link below and sign up for a private conference with your student and me on Friday, March 8 or Friday, March 15. Space is limited, so sign up quickly!
No Conference
Some families feel comfortable with where their student is academically and socially and might not feel that a spring meeting is necessary. If this is you, feel free to skip any of the above options, and I’ll send home report cards and portfolios before spring break. Drop me an email with any questions you may have after going over the report card and portfolio. 

Students of the Week
Thanks to Desire and August for having such a positive attitude during our ski trip! Way to go!


  • Wednesday, March 6: Science Fair Family Night 
  • Wednesday March 13: Parent University 5:00-7:00
  • Wednesday, March 13: 11:10 Dismissal
  • Thursday and Friday March 14 & 15: 12:35 Dismissal
  • Spring Break: March 18-March 22